Within a program, members earn and accumulate points for their performance results, strategic goals or workplace achievements. The members then exchange their points for exciting brand-name merchandise, which includes consumer electronics, appliances, power tools, health and beauty products, and much more. Currently, there are more than 15,000 items on offer, including travel and ‘experience’ rewards.

Employees remain highly motivated and engaged knowing their commitment and contributions are valued and appreciated. The inter-relationships between employees, managers, and executives are strengthened, which further encourages a positive environment for self-improvement, training and safety. We call it “Finding the Best Within”, and the results are tangible; turnover drops, recruiting costs decline, productivity climbs and morale positively soars.


Meaningfully recognizing and celebrating accomplishments shows that you value and appreciate employee loyalty, teamwork and growth. Service awards, role-specific recognition and company celebrations are just a few ways TOA can help you acknowledge milestones in ways that align with your brand, motivate your people and support your company culture.

Perfect for acknowledging high-impact moments in the employee experience like:

·         Employee anniversary recognition

·         Role-Specific Milestones

·         Career Achievements

·         Company Anniversaries


·         Personal Accomplishments
